Revisions to Expectations

I still can't help feeling like My Father's Bike is somehow wrong. I don't know if he would actually appreciate that I'm writing it, since it is something for my father, or that I'm trying to do something thirty years too soon. I'm going to stick with it for another month or so and see if I feel better. I'm also going to downgrade my word count a bit to 40k words since that is actually doable where I'm utterly convinced that 80k words is not at this point. Fortunately, this isn't a fantasy novel or even fiction but something else. The next one will be easier for me to write, I swear to myself.

» My Father's Bike: 0.570 (22,814 / 40,000 words)
» Wind, Bear, and Moon Edited: 0.500 (2 / 4 weeks until 2007-06-15)
» Muddy Reflections Query: 0.167 (10 / 12 weeks until 2007-08-10)
» Summer Biking: 0.162 (64.8 / 400 km)

