Postage SASE's

» My Father's Bike: 0.570 (22,814 / 40,000 words)
» Wind, Bear, and Moon Edited: 0.750 (3 / 4 weeks until 2007-06-15)
» Muddy Reflections Query: 0.250 (9 / 12 weeks until 2007-08-10)
» Summer Biking: 0.184 (73.4 / 400 km)

As I was going home yesterday, I realized one stupid little thing. I only put a $0.39 cent stamp on my SASE for my last novel when I should have planned for the postage increase. Fluffy mentioned that I might never get it back. This has not made me really that happy since I think I need to send out a letter that says "sorry, I forgot the postage rate went up."


