Weekend of Coding!

Imagine that, I programmed this weekend. But, against all expectations, I actually didn't work that hard. Yeah, I'm burning out and trying too hard. I always hate it when my expectations doesn't actually match my actual skill. Its closer though. Lethe's Yarn got a lot further than Running Bomb and I suspect that if I keep with it, it will turn out to be a pretty nice little game.

And I have a little flash movie demo of the game!

On Sunday, I ended up stopping at 17:00 and just watching movies and playing with a new computer program. I found a visitor tracking program called Piwik, which works like Google Analytical and lets you see who is visiting your site and what they are doing. It is... addictive to watch. One of my personal sites get continual traffic and it is just fun watching the search terms show up and seeing the page counters. I've long since hit a million page hits on that site, so I'm resetting the counter and just going to watch the traffic filter through. Just fun, and the flash graphics are amazing.

After next weekend, I'm going to set it aside for a while. I need to seriously focus on writing and finishing projects instead of obsessing about new ones. I also started bringing back the chat rooms while I program; something I haven't had in three months because of the flood.