My Schedule for ICON 43

On October 4 through 7, I will be at ICON both as a vendor of Typewriter Press and as a writer. This year, I get to be on a number of panels which will be fun since they are topics near to my heart.


Author Meet and Greet

Saturday 10:00 (10 am) in the Rosewood

I'll be standing at a tiny little table, desperate to talk about my book, maybe sell a few copies, but generally wanting to meet people. Please stop by and chat? I'll even give spoilers if someone asks.

Creating Distinctive Characters

Saturday 15:00 (3 pm) in Chestnut

Do your characters sound too much alike? Do they have the same beliefs, attitudes, and catch phrases? Join us to talk about ways of creating characters without having one of them speak like Yoda.

Using RPG Mechanics to Balance Written Characters

Saturday 16:00 (4 pm) in Chestnut

I won't be going far. I'm also the moderator for this one.

One way of giving a structure to written characters is to create character sheets. This lets their powers and abilities have a numerical framework. On the other hand, there is a danger of referring to them by their class. Let's talk about ways of using RPGs to create characters but also hiding those details from the reader.

Author Reading 4

Sunday 10:00 (10 am) in Rosewood

Oh, I get to share the big room. Come listen to me and Alex Penland (who writes a fantastic little serial, by the way) read from our various books. I have no clue which one I'll be reading from, I'll bring all of them but anyone has a suggestion, feel free to ask now.

If I don't get feedback, I'm leaning toward a scene from Flight of the Scions, my upcoming novel.


Typewriter Press will also have a table, with all of my books. I won't have Flight of the Scions, but I will have a pre-order for physical copies along with discounts of a year-long subscriber for my own writing.

As usual, we will also have a raffle of everyone who signs up to be on our mailing list plus everyone who is already one. I don't like only give benefits for new people, I like rewarding those who stick with us also.

If you want to jump on that even if you aren't going, check out Typewriter Press and sign up at the bottom.


