Projects to do before I sleep

I've been having a couple really miserable nights. Mainly I think I finally killed my edge of the bed and I'm stressed about the number of projects. Sunday night, I couldn't sleep because I just had to work on some side project. That itself is annoying, but I hate it when I can't sleep unless I put in a couple more hours of work. On the other hand, I'm learning a lot more about laying out game books and magazines (DTP) on Linux; by doing it with something that doesn't exactly need it. Obscure, I know.

I started winding up for the Changeling campaign that Fluffy wants. From appearances, it will be based on Changeling but might actually be using the Hero system instead. Depends on what people want, I guess. Fightertype already said she won't touch Hero with a two meter pole, but she's been hemming and hawing about playing anyways, so I'm kind of discounting her claim. Plus, I want to run Hero System again. It is a good system, at least in power balance, and while it can't do everything, it is as close to a RPG that I want without writing it myself (at this point).

Started reading Into the Reach by Alana Abbott. Naturally, it would be a lot easier to finish if I read for more than five minutes in a night... if I'm in the mood. Drawbacks of too many projects and a two meter high reading list. Speaking of reading, some of the writers I listen to on various groups have grouped together into an interesting collection called League of Reluctant Adults. Got to love a name like that.

Finally, I got some really good feedback on Glorious Saber from an artist I respect. So, I'm going to redo the "voices" of GS starting with #11. Not sure how, but this is my current plan:


Oh, and I got bored and did avatars for Glorious and Saber. I used a really cool flash program to do this that uses graphics from Gaia Online (which I was only a member to see what the big deal was).


Summer Biking: (239.6 of 400.0 km)
Change of Honor (1 of 3 rounds)
Another Werewolf's Tail (2 of 3 rounds)
Commissioned Work (493 of 10,000 words)

