
It's meme time! Now... stop. Meme time! Okay, silly 80's references gone (I mean, I can't believe he didn't eat the sushi!), I actually got tagged for a little Internet meme. Naturally, that means I must do it or I'll... be eaten by a slug or something.

a) What issues/topic interests you most--non-fiction, i.e, cooking, knitting, stitching, etc?

Everything. Mainly programming, graphics, and fonts. Oh, and games. All types of games. Yeah, they are fiction, but the process of making games isn't. :P Oh, and spiritualism, religion. Mapping/cartography, low-level physics, psychology (in specific linguistics), politics, methodologies for measurements (metric system, different time calculations), Debian, Linux, the process of making fiction, yeah, that's what I initially come up with. :)

b) Would you like to review books concerning those?

Actually, I love doing reviews. Its one of those really interesting things because it changes how you look at stuff. Though I haven't done much with non-fiction at this point, mainly because I haven't had a chance.

c) Would you like to be paid or do it as interest or hobby? Tell reasons for what ever you choose.

Well, one of my day jobs is suppose to be identifying the pros and cons of commercial hardware and platforms. So, yeah, I'd love to get paid to do reviews. Even if I don't, though, I'll still do it as a hobby.

d) Would you recommend those to your friends and how?

Depends on if I got paid. You see, if I got paid, I wouldn't recommend it to friends. Mainly as a conflict of interest. If I don't, then I do. Yeah, most of the time, they don't care because my friends only usually match me on one aspect of my life. Not even my wife shares such a wide range of interests.

e) If you have already done something like this, link it to your post.

Non-fiction? Can't help there, but I do have a tag just for reviews on my blog. Naturally I felt it important to create said tag, but I really do like doing reviews.

f) Please don't forget to link back here or whoever tags you.

(Don't use lj tags on my personal blog, sorry, they just don't autopopulate)


And to get this meme moving, you have to tag 10 people. I tag:

Bah, I refuse. :P Mainly because I think everyone was already selected and I don't have that many people to tag. But, anyone want to pretend I tagged them?

