There is always hope

This weekend, I submitted Victim of Love to Drops of Crimson. A few days later, they announced their first issue. Naturally, I checked it out just to read the stories but there was always this growing hope they loved my story and put it in.

It was like checking the White Wolf quarterly or Steam Punk Magazine in hopes to see if you had a story accepted. That excited anticipation as the page loads, then the dishearting scan of the table of contents and incredible lack of your name on it. One time I did, I scanned that table of contents and saw my name, but since then, it really hasn't happened.

It seems like I'm not getting accepted lately (most of this year) which is rather discouraging. Probably one reason I've been focusing on games, or it could be an incredible lack of focus I've been going through lately. It starting to show up on my current projects to. Glorious Saber was my first comic attempt and, while it wasn't perfect, I enjoyed it. But, when using the same style of graphics, I've just been getting a bunch of comments that it looks like immature Flash programming art or something that beginners do.

Its kind of like getting that critique, "learn to write". This week, it was "learn to write", "learn to draw", "learn to program".

I keep moving forward, but its getting really hard. :(