More ljxp changes, now with avatars!

Weight Loss (6.3 of 14.7 kg)
Commission (823 of 15,000 words)

Finished up another little change, the ability to pick and choose LiveJournal avatars from inside WordPress. This way, I don't have to write up a post, post it, then go over to LiveJournal to make it private (last week's change) and pick an avatar (this change). It all happens in the same place, which makes it easier for me to post quickly.

Despite the fact I get almost no comments on my main blog, I still prefer to have that as my primary and LiveJournal being a secondary mirror. It could just be me being picky, but despite the fact I'm not on Facebook or MySpace, I still want to have my blog on my domain. But, all those delicious comments and online friends are over on LiveJournal, so I bridge the two in the way that I'm comfortable with.

This also means I really should stop stalling and work on my commission or write a program.

