Four weeks...
Weight Loss (7.4 of 14.7 kg)
Commission (15,238 of 15,000 words)

Hrm, details about my misery on GenCon. The short of it, according to the doctor, is that it will take 2-3 days to recover from the impromptu surgery I just had (incisions to try removing the blood clot), but overall 3-4 weeks to recover.

On the very first day of GenCon, I got a blood clot in one of the muscles of the anus. Basically, a hemorrhoid. My first, actually, so I had no clue what to expect or do. It started on Tuesday night and pretty much dominated my comfort level the entire conversion. On Saturday, it burst right in the morning. And I will say, it is a good thing that I'm comfortable with blood because there was a lot of it. For close to three solid hours before I got it under control.

Last night, it ruptured again but not nearly as bad. As far as the doctor could tell, there is one more massive clot there and I'll be bleeding for another 2-3 days minimum because of the ones that already ruptured. She tried to cut it out, but my pain tolerance got exceeded before she could find it so it remains in place.

Three to four weeks to recover. That is what the doctor said. She also said I was doing exactly the right things to take care of this and get through it. Thank the goddess for Boy Scouts and the Internet, between the two I got it right. I just get to suffer for a few weeks.

I can only hope it doesn't burst at work... that would be hard to explain.