Project Layout (v4.0.0, 2022-07-19)

I'm a polyglot programmer. I work in a variety of languages but mostly in C#, Typescript, and Rust. Every few years, I try a new language to see if I can pick up new ideas or if one “fits” my current mental state better. This is also why I've done a lot dozens of other languages; I would say I know over thirty languages but I'm only a “master” in a handful.

I also flit from project to project. I have my writing and games. I have little one-off programs and ones that I hope will become a major thing. But, like everything else in my life, I'm “gloriously unfocused” on my tasks which means I have to minimize the speed that I get into a project before the muse escapes me.

Over the years, I've come up with a project structure that works across most languages. It is mostly “for me”, but I think there are aspects of that others may enjoy.


Throughout this document, // represents the root of the Git repository. So, //src/just/build.just would be the build.just in the ‘src/just’ file under the root.

When I'm referring to a directory, I will include a trailing lash such as //src/ to make a distinct between that and //Justfile which is a file.

Also, I use forward slashes regardless of the operating system, PowerShell can handle both and it doesn't require escaping in most languages.

With HTML paths, I will use // when a link has both a Gemini and HTML server associated with it or explictly say https:// if it is an HTML-only site.

Table of Contents

  • Philosophy is the general guidelines for setting up a project.
  • Just has the tool used to run scripts in projects.
  • Directories describes the preferred directory layout.
  • Setup for setting up a project to make it “easier” to get into it.
  • History describes the historical evolution of my project layout.


This book is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. More info can be found at

The preferred attribution for this novel is:

“Project Layout” by D. Moonfire is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

In the above attribution, use the following links:


The source of this project can be found on the Moonfire Games forge. Feel free to report any issues, requests for expansion or clarifications. Alternately, you can contact me directly.

