
I was happily browsing the web in a bike-ride induced endorphin high when I found a link from Alana Joli Abbott's journal to Stacy Whitman's. Perfectly normal for me, if I don't have 60+ windows open within ten minutes of web browsing, I have to ask myself, "What did I do wrong?" I'm in the school of "open in a background tab" of web browsing so it isn't uncommon to hundreds of windows open as I browse. Goddess forbid if I hit a Wikipedia article.

But, on Ms. Whitman's journal, I did the same thing I usually do which is start going down the posts. I love reading journals, they have just interesting reflections of people's lives. Well, one of them was a comment about requested information for submission which led into the Mirrorstone submission guidelines. Reading that, I realized I now have a place to submit Wind, Bear, and Moon too. Or at least a potential place. And, I remember the reason that it was rejected in the first place was because it was Young Adult instead of more adult fiction and the main characters are in their mid-teens. The odds of being accepted are minimal, but its one of those things in life that gives me hope. I believe that the universe provides, but sometimes it wants you to take the long way around things. In this case, the submission guidelines are exactly thing that bothered me earlier this week, such as writing sample verses letter writing. Plus, I have two approaches there, since WBM actually has two books sketched out after it which would make it a "series" if I understand it correctly.

Not to mention, I write the fastest under a deadline or for a purpose. This will guarantee that the rewrite for WBM will pretty much be finished by May 20. :) I'm simple that way.

In other news, I rode my bike into work again. That brings me up to 19.5 miles (31.2 km) for the summer. I think my goal this summer is probably going to be 250 miles (400 km). It seems reasonable yet not easily done. Now, if the endorphin high didn't make me want to write (I plan a lot of stuff while riding my bike to and from work) it would be great.


