A sigh of relief

Weight Loss (4.1 of 14.7 kg)
College Petitions (1 of 4)
Commission (1,300 of 10k words)

I just got back from the doctor's office. It wasn't a fasting blood sugar test, but the pin prick and the ac3 tests were both positive. After eating less than a half hour before, my blood sugar was 102, which is very good for my situation. The 126 is still the magic point and the doctor apologized about the expensive tests from last month and suggested I come back in three months to see how the ac3 trend is doing. The ac3 test was also positive, 6.0 when 4.5 to 5.5 is "normal". So, slightly elevated, like the 102 mg/dl glucose results.

I'm very relieved about this. I was terrified that it would come out at 10+ for the ac3 and 130+ for the stick test. Having those somewhat sane levels means I'm doing the right thing: exercising and eating healthier.

In other news, I submitted my commission to the person asking for it and immediately put the one I've been stalling for the last nine months on the list. I need to finish this one, if anything because they pre-paid me. It doesn't help that they keep telling me "whenever" but this is something I need a structure for.

I'm also dropping one petition since I don't have enough time to get it done before my classes. So, I'm going to take one of the classes properly and just do four petitions instead. It's frustrating, mainly because it puts me more in debt and takes longer, but I'm still on track for graduating with my masters this year.


