Blocks of time

Weight Loss (6.4 of 14.7 kg)
Commission (4,227 of 15,000 words)

Been a busy week this week, mainly because of a self-inflicted need to do better at work. I hate putting in estimates for 100+ hours on a single task when everyone else is putting in 8, 12, even 40. But, having the only one over 50 and having it so much higher gives me a tiny little lurch in my stomach. More so when I'm justifying to the VP of Development. It doesn't matter that it is an honest estimate, and probably a bit low, it still sucks when I have to do it. True, the 100+ hours is broken into a rather impressive WBS, but still.

I like breaking things into smaller blocks. Most of my personal projects are done that way. The MfGames.Tools is just one step toward my current programming goal of having a new version of CuteGod out. I just need to get the command line tools, unit performance, updater, BooGame, and a ton of other things. I decided I need to really focus on a single programming project, so the "main goal" is getting CuteGod polished. Then I'll play with Tablet of Words (WordPlay, my other "official" game), Ceimaha and other ideas.

I don't expect any of those to be done before GenCon, which I'm seriously looking forward to. I think the next week or so is going to be dedicated to working on homework and finishing up the petition which I promised by Auguest 9. I'm thinking about also stopping doing book reviews from GenCon this year, or at least just doing it when I feel like doing reviews. I don't know if they are helpful in general, but I feel bad since I don't give glowing reviews... ever. I don't even give glowing reviews to my own book. Like the review my brother did of MG (rated 4 out of 5 stars), I really try to be brutally honest but I hate the imagined conflict I get when I do them.

While I'm not entirely sure why I did it, I finally joined Twitter. Amazingly, my account is the same almost everywhere else: dmoonfire. No clue how long I'll use it, it seems to be as unfocused as everything else in my life. But, that is who I am. I don't focus on one thing in general and I kind of like it that way.


