My honey is online!

Yep, Fluffy decided that she wanted a journal, so last night I walked her through creating a LiveJournal account with the obvious name of darkfluffy. She, of course, is worried that no one will like her, no one will chat with her, the only posts will be for bigger penis and telling her that she sucks. Naturally, I would tell her otherwise, but she never listens to me. :)

It also means she can refute me when I say... um... inappropriate things. And I'll have an excuse to give her comments when she finally starts posting her movies, pictures, and everything else she does.

On the other side of things, I'm looking into creating a new Changling campaign for her and some friends. It won't be as dark as the default World of Darkness, I was thinking more of a Guardians of the Veil or Knights of Myth Drannor(?) type of adventure. Light-hearted and not dark and depressing. In World of Darkness. Heh.

Well, we went shopping to help us through this arbitrary "no eating out or ordering in for three weeks thing" (that will only be a week or so because Fluffy goes on a 11 day trip next week). I hate eating healthy, but I'm also unhappy that I'm basically broke. We didn't pay Fluffy's student loans while we consolidating (oops), so I got hit with a huge bill that basically brought us into the net negatives. Easy to handle, just a pain in the ass that it happened. Hopefully, I'll get paid this week.

