Air Pressure

Wind, Bear, and Moon Proposal
Summer Biking: (226.2 / 400.0 km)

Rode my bike into today. As usual, had to fill up the tires, but it reminded me of a little tibit in life. Don't trust the label. For years, I used the label on my Outback for the tires, but I forgot that I've had the tires replaced so many times. For some reason, I assumed that if the tires were for the exact car, the pressure should be the same. It took Ranger Tom to point out I've been underfilling my tires by about 5 PSI for the last three years. Doh!

Last night, I worked on the code for my comic updating script. I decided that reinventing the wheel was kind of stupid and switched from a half-assed database abstraction layer and template system to PEAR:MDB2 and PEAR:HTML_Template_Flexy. Same basic effect, but someone else is maintaining the library. Which means less work for me *squee* and less things that will break. Still no comments on the last two... *pout*

Fluffy has been talking about finding a new job. The company here is getting rather stressed since both of us suspect the boss is going to be taking our paychecks to pay for her trip to France. Kind of depressing, plus news of other stupid things going on aren't helping. I'm a bit down, I think. Tonight, maybe I'll write something (or obsessively try to finish the comic software).

