
Had a pretty good conversation with my brother. You know, IM and this blog are probably the best thing I've had with connecting to my family? Well, he mentioned that I am being rather hard with my mother. I am, and he was absolutely correct. It is strange being able to talk to someone who was in the same situation as me and understands why I am who I am.

I do feel the need to amend my last post though. I know my mom loves her animals, though I do feel that she loves having them but hates taking care of them. I also know that the posts here are really filtered through a lot of memories and experiences between us, many of them coupled with the fact that I'm in the middle of a rather crucial point of my own life: trying to decide about the Iowa thing verses staying. There is a lot there and I don't know if it is anything that anyone else can help with.

There is also the issue of what she has gone in her life. Yeah, probably not the greatest thing in the world, but something I should be aware of. So, like work, I really should complain less, but this really got me upset and my post upset my brother.

Kitteh Braik (9%)
Scroll of Lands update (7%)

