
Weight Loss (2.6 of 14.7 kg)
College Petitions (1 of 5)
Commission (2,943 of 10k words)

Got a bit of writing done after yesterday's post. Actually, almost 2,500 words worth of writing. Which is great, because it gets me closer to being done with the commission and also because I could park myself on the couch next to Fluffy and write as she watched TV. And, I'm sad to say, I'm enjoying Castle a lot. Well, and the Red Green Show also. I missed Iowa, they actually know how to show the Red Green Show properly. You know, with good quality sound and audio.

This is a splatterpunk (horror) commission, so it was fun to watch Fluffy alternating between looking at my screen with curiosity and asking me to turn it away in the squicky parts. Even knowing there is blood and gore on my screen, she still reads it. Fun to watch her though. Occasionally, I'll write, "You shouldn't be reading this, Fluffy," and she'll laugh and turn away.

Sadly, I apparently lost my last commission check (money order actually). I set it aside to bring to the post office and I can't find it. Yeah, it was one of the half off commissions, but still, money is money. I'm also going to change my discount structure a bit. I'm considering 1% off for every 10,000 words.


