Weaving my life

This week, I got my first non-Mono package into Debian: Meritous. Its a little arcade game that I found on Play This Thing, noticed it was written with SDL, and sent an email to the author to see if I could package it. Twenty-three days later, it was uploaded and sitting in the NEW queue, waiting for some minor changes. Its kind of nice, doing something small, though it adds to my list of Things I Must Do for the next couple of years.

I saw that Steampunk Magazine has their submission guidelines for issue #5. I didn't submit anything to #4, two rejections in a row kind of depressed me, but I have a good idea for #5 so I'm probably going to do it.

I'm going to GenCon 2008 this year. Already got my badge and my hotel room reserved. Even if I do get another job (*hope*), I should be able to explain this as a pre-existing commitment, which it is. I'm not going to run a game though, not enough time and I felt... well, I felt that it wasn't really worth it to run games at the convention. I might run a pick-up game, though, depending on my mood. And probably lust after the Impossibly Cute Twenty-Something Gamers along with Fluffy.

Frustrated with coding, college, and career. Though, I managed to develop this very sweet numerical system for the Complete Clothier that can handle a couple thousand values all being changed in real time and dynamically cascade the changes out to the same thousand values. All while updating the screen. Very cool. This version is also about two orders of magnitude faster than the other one, which is even more of of a bonus.

I'm breaking though. I've put in 10-12 hour days this week, on top of college, and my foolish attempts to maintain the various projects I've been working on. I've bounced through a couple communities to distract me slightly, but I'm feeling like I'm beginning to strip gears a bit. This weekend, I hope to get a bit of coding down, maybe a short story or two, and play some video games. Fluffy is sick and we don't have gaming, so its going to be a quiet weekend.

Also thinking about stripping out the huge number of tags I use.


