Chattering monkeys

Weight Loss (4.1 of 14.7 kg)
College Petitions (2 of 4)
DG Edit (0.5 of 33 chapters)

Having trouble sleeping tonight. Part of it comes from the drugs flowing through my veins. Drugs for pain and ones to prevent infections. The aftereffects of surgery were not too bad; Fluffy said was I all cute and groggy when I finished up. I managed to sleep better part of fifteen hours today, which also contributes to the lack of sleeping and me making a blog post at two in the morning.

The rest of this is just a list, probably not interesting for most people.

One of the major things keeping me up in just me reviewing things I want to get done in general. Not in the next week, but in the next month, year, or even an indeterminate periods of time that will be disrupted by the rest of life. I could say that most of my life is broken into function areas: writing, programming, and gaming. I like to say writing is the best, but I honestly couldn't chose between those three. They are my Big Three.


  • DG editing: I want to get this self-published and out the door. There are a few things that will slow it down, mainly because I am using someone else as an artist both for the full-color covers and the chapters per page.
  • DL + DL editing: This will be two novels. I wrote the first draft last year and it stands as the only novel I've written that got fan art and people still asking for it a year later.
  • HSASC: This is a book of poetry that I've been working on for a while. One of those little things that I just want to get done.
  • My Father's Bike: This is a gift for my father. I wrote the first draft but it didn't quite come out the way I wanted it to. I'm going to rewrite it, just need to find time.
  • Morning Zombies: I like the idea of the book, just need to rewrite it to see if I can actually do it justice.
  • Flight of the Scions: Been working on this one for a while, better part of a few years. I have one more rewrite planned (again).
  • Peg and Sue: This is the novel I planned to write this year. Haven't really started it, to be honest, just making up the time.
  • Commissions: I like making money writing. I haven't honestly had a lot of luck with submitting stories to places but I have with people asking me to write stories for them. So, I'm going to keep on doing that in my quest to be a honest writer.


  • MfGames.Tools CIL: Library for making command-line tools that can also be used to create MSBuild and NAnt tasks. (Requires MfGames CIL)
  • MfGames.Template CIL: Templating library that I created some years back. I just need to bring it up to speed with new command-line tools. (Requires MfGames.Tools CIL)
  • MfGames.Updater CIL: Software updating library, this seems to be one of those frequently implemented things and I haven't found a good managed version that would let you update data files and software (i.e. for games) or even allow for addins and plugins. (Requires MfGames.Tools CIL)
  • MfGames.RelaxNG CIL: I haven't found a library for this. There are ones that handle XSD schemes, but I think there is some advantage to having one that works with C# and makes generic lists. This will make MfGames.OpenDocumentFormat CIL much easier. (Requires MfGames.Tools CIL)
  • MfGames.SqlDom CIL: This is something that comes up from when I did my work at my last job. Basically a CodeDom that is for SQL scripts. I want to be able to parse and write them out, not to mention convert from one DDL to another. (Requires MfGames.RelaxNG CIL).
  • MfGames.OpenDocumentFormat CIL: When writing Balance, I liked the idea of writing in ODF (i.e. and putting in sections that could be substituted with out the output of text. I wrote the basics in a few week and it really made some components really useful (like list of skills are ensuring consistent formatting within the game). I want to polish this out and do it properly. (Requires MfGames.Tools CIL and MfGames.RelaxNG CIL).
  • Unit Performance CIL: One of those "big libraries" ideas. This is actually at the tail end of the dependencies but I think it has some merit of being useful to a large number of people, so I want to do it to contribute to the community. (Requires MfGames.RelaxNG)
  • MfGames.Input CIL: Generic input library for handling GUI's and other useful eventing. I like keyboard chains (C-c C-x to quit) and I want it generic for BooGame. (Requires MfGames CIL)
  • MfGames.Scene2 CIL: A 2D scene graph library with some C# things.
  • MfGames.Scene2.Gui CIL: Like CeGUI# or other graphical GUI systems, I want something I can write good game interfaces with. (Requires MfGames.Scene2 CIL)
  • BooGame: BooGame is a library that I "inherited" but still try to maintain. It is rather specific, OpenGL and CIL code, and there are alternatives, but this one fits my programm style at this point so I keep on working on it.
  • Prebuild: I got control of this, mainly because I still have some interest in it. So, I should produce a release sooner or later. Even if it is a complete re-vamp of the project.


Most of these are out there, because it would be interesting and I like the idea. I really want to see at least one of them get into the "polished" state; you know the entire reason for Moonfire Games.

  • Scroll of the Lands
  • Pirates CCG with Exalted

Computer Games:

  • CuteGod
  • Baby Squid God
  • Ponies Among Us
  • Wordplay
  • Ceimaha

There are a few other catch-all items that are out there, waiting...

  • Glorious Saber: The top item to finish the fourth arc of the story. Ideally, I'd like to learn a new graphical style, but it also ties into some of the game projects I have in mind. I feel uncomfortable finding someone else willing to do graphics for me. I can work purely on the need to finish something in hopes that someday, just someday, it might turn out to be something more... commercial.
  • Finish my masters: I'm 2 classes and 2 petitions away from this.
  • Decide if I want a doctorate. Obviously, I have a lot of things going on, and if I do the doctor route, it will slow everything else down. But, I still can't honestly decide if I want to do it or not.

Well, that is my list of personal projects. Most of these won't show up on my TODO list at the beginning of my posts. I'm going with only listing the three most important items on the list up there, so if I want to do more, I need to finish the ones already there.

