Sand and Blood 20, Flight of the Scions 26, death, and lessons

These two chapters are about lessons, though only one is phrased in that manner. Regardless, the main characters learn a thing or two as they prepare for their further adventures.

Sand and Blood 20: Shimusogo Karawàbi

For a long time, I insisted that Sand and Blood was not young adult despite having teenagers. But recently I realized that I had written something that would appeal to me as a teenager. Maybe it is young adult, at least this one.

That said, it has been a struggle since the next novel, Sand and Ash, has a lot more adult topics such as losing a child, suicide, depression, and isolation.

This chapter is one of those reasons I struggled with the classification of this novel. It also is a nod toward one of my favorite books as a teenager, Lord of the Flies and one of the inspiration for this novel. It is a more violent chapter and also points out one of the risks that Rutejìmo and the others face on their adventure.

There is death in this chapter along with a rotting corpse, if that bothers you.

Read Sand and Blood 20: Shimusogo Karawàbi at

Flight of the Scions 26: Life's Lessons

On the other side, Flight of the Scions is less about finding dead people in the wilderness and more of a shortened training montage, an explanation of how telepathy works, and even the starting lessons of using magic.

This chapter is important because it helps establish that the trio is acutally improving their skills. All of them are important to the rest of the story including Kanéko's archery, Maris' magic, and Ruben's telepathy. Interestingly enough, so is speaking Miwāfu.

I like training montages because they also advance time. It takes a while to learn. What I don't like about montages is when the trained character is somehow an expert. These kids won't be, but they will be better prepared to handle the trials before them.

Read Flight of the Scions 26: Life's Lessons (subscribers)


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